工作是人生不可或缺的活動,沒有了它就覺得生活好像少了什麼,所以持續地工作到無法工作為止吧!! 不過辛苦工作之餘,也是需要玩樂來調劑身心呢!! ~~有意義的工作即是生活!!~~

星期日, 8月 27, 2006

2006.8.24 100美元以下的超小型電腦面市 (MicroClient)

OLPC 的風潮真是風起雲湧,自從尼老推出這樣的概念之後,一直有許多類似性質的產品面市。 位於曼谷的NorhTec公司近日開始銷售一種超小型化、低價位、而且電源消耗極少的PC MicroClient Jr.。這個小PC可以執行Puppy Linux或是其他的一些輕量化作業系統如windows 3.1。 在這個只有4.5英吋(約11.43公分)見方的無三小路用的小盒子裡,裝了與Pentium相容的SiS 550 SoC(時脈166MHz)、128MB焊在板子上的SDRAM、2.5吋的硬碟、還有一個CF卡的額外插槽。

除了這個之外,這個小盒子也可以掛在標準的VESA背掛架上面,當成Set Top Box來使用。


這個小盒子有三個USB,很可惜的是,只有USB 1.1。當然啦,網路、音效、顯示都一應俱全。

Ref: Posted Aug 24, 2006, 6:03 AM ET by Engadget Chinese

"MicroClient Hardware Specifications:"

SIS 550 LV processor (x86 compatible)
2 USB ports
Built in AC97 audio - Audio in/out
1 x VGA out port
ATA-33/66/100 support
1 RJ45 for 10/100 MBit Lan
PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse connector

Additional support (no connectors)

Third USB port
2 Serial ports (RS-232)
1 Parallel port

Single 5 Volts DC @ 3 A (max) support

128 MB RAM (comes with all units)
30 GB 2.5" hard disk (optional)

The MicroClient can support the following resolutions:
640 x 480, 800 x 480, 800 x 600, 1024 x 576, 1024 x 768, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 1024,
1600 x 1400, 1920 x 1440, 2048 x 1536.

External power supply - AC (85 - 240 volts) / DC (5 volts).

The MicroClient consume only 3.8 Watts with solid state disk and 5 Watts (max) with a 2.5 inch hard disk.

"MicroClient Software Suite:"

The MicroClient supports many x86 operating systems. This includes Windows 9x, Windows Me, Windows CE.NET, Windows XP embedded, GNU/Linux, BSD, and QNX. We will install the software application according to your needs. NorhTec has tested over thirty Linux distributions, and the MicroClient supports many of them. Write to us for installation options.

Ref: nOrhTec Products ~The NorhTec MicroClient
