工作是人生不可或缺的活動,沒有了它就覺得生活好像少了什麼,所以持續地工作到無法工作為止吧!! 不過辛苦工作之餘,也是需要玩樂來調劑身心呢!! ~~有意義的工作即是生活!!~~

星期五, 8月 04, 2006

2006.8.1 目前已四個國家對OLPC百元筆電計劃下百萬台訂單

新聞來自 LinuxDevices.com , 目前已共有奈及利亞、巴西、阿根廷以及泰國四國確定下訂.

Four countries commit to 4 million Linux-powered OLPC devices

Updated Aug. 1, 2006] -- A spokesperson for the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) program revealed July 31 that the countries of Nigeria, Brazil, Argentina, and Thailand have each committed to buy 1 million Linux laptops through the U.S.-based program.

Several media outlets reported last week that Nigeria had committed to purchase 1 million of the laptops, and others reported (incorrectly) that $1 million worth of computers -- or about 10,000 -- had been requested by the African nation.

OLPC program director for Middle East and Africa Khaled Hassounah confirmed to DesktopLinux.com July 31 that Nigeria has indeed committed to buy 1 million machines, and then revealed that Brazil, Argentina, and Thailand also have made similar commitments.

"We have not finalized the deal with the Nigerian government yet, but we are in the process of doing so," Hassounah told DesktopLinux.com. "The person who announced the Nigerian government's commitment to buying the laptops (Professor Ernest Ndukwe) is a key member of the Nigerian Task Force working with OLPC on bringing laptops to Nigerian children."

"We are actively moving ahead with Brazil, Argentina and Thailand. Others (countries) are being considered," Hassounah said.

The OLPC aims to distribute -- free of charge -- millions of Linux-based laptop computers, complete with their own power sources, to needy children in developing countries around the world.

From the Linux perspective, Nicholas Negroponte, head of the OLPC project and former director of MIT Media Labs -- where the project originated -- has said that the OLPC project could lead to mass adoption of Linux, making the OS as popular on the desktop as it now is on the server.

To date, AMD, eBay, Google, Nortel, Red Hat, and a number of other technology companies have signed on to help support the project.

Reference: Four countries commit to 4 million Linux-powered OLPC devices
